Clinique Floréal
Urgence mains
01 48 97 72 08


Opening hours

  • Monday to Friday, 9am to 7.30pm
  • Saturdays from 9am to 6.30pm.

To book an MRI appointment:

We inform you that we practice third-party payment. Our practice does not advance the cost of health insurance. A statement of fees will be given to you after each examination for your reimbursement claims. Your doctor is free to set his or her own fees. They may therefore be higher than the health insurance reimbursement rate.

In 2010, the Floréal Medical and Surgical Centre was equipped with a 3D MRI, the first establishment in France and the 3rd in the world to be equipped with a "new generation" machine. This MRI scanner produces 3D image sequences, enabling radiologists to make a more accurate diagnosis. It offers exceptional image quality and shorter examination times.

What is MRI?

MRI, or Magnetic Resonance Imaging, is a technique that produces images of different parts of the human body using a powerful magnetic field (magnet) through which radiofrequency waves pass. This is a "non-invasive", non-irradiating technique (no X-rays), which allows better tissue characterisation of lesions.

Examination procedure

Before the examination

The medical staff will check that there are no contraindications to carrying out this examination and will ask you to inform them if you are wearing a heart battery (pacemaker), heart valve or, more generally, any item containing iron (hair clips, staples, buttons, watch, keys, etc.).

During the examination

The examination takes place lying on your back. To obtain clear images, you should remain perfectly still, with the bed moving gently inside the ring. The patient is generally alone in the examination room, but remains in constant contact with the medical staff via a microphone.

The examination takes around 20 minutes, including settling in. An intravenous injection is sometimes required for certain examinations. The MRI examination is painless but quite noisy. Claustrophobic patients should inform the medical team, who will make the necessary arrangements to ensure that the examination runs smoothly. As a precaution, the examination is not performed on pregnant women.

On the day of the examination, remember to bring :

  • your doctor's prescription
  • your previous X-rays
  • your blood test results
  • your current treatment

After the examination

The images will be analysed by the radiologist. A written report will be sent to you with the images on a CD-ROM. Your results will also be available online on our website using a password that will be allocated to you.

To contact the imaging department, click here.


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Make an appointment

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click on the link below and let us guide you.

Coming to the centre / Contact us

Clinique Floréal

Come to the centre

By car
By car

From Porte des Lilas: Continue along rue de Paris then bd de la Liberté, turn right onto avenue du Maréchal Juin, at the 1st set of traffic lights turn left onto rue de Noisy le Sec, continue along rue Floréal.

From Porte de Bagnolet: Follow signs for "Bagnolet centre", take avenue Gambetta and follow signs for "Les Lilas", continue along rue de Pantin - towards Romainville - D20, turn right at the first set of traffic lights into rue de Noisy le Sec, continue along rue Floréal.

By metro
By metro

Metro station Gallieni (line 3) then bus 318, get off at the Jeanne Hornet stop

Metro station Mairie des Lilas (line 11), then bus 105, get off at Liberté (10 min walk from Mairie des Lilas metro station)

Contact us


Call Us

Tél : 01 48 97 72 00


Send us an email:

Click here
Clinique Floréal

40 rue Floréal
93170 Bagnolet

Our commitments

Sustainable development

Corporate Social Responsibility

Our CSR approach is transversal, operational and aims to be as close as possible to the field.
Organ Donation

Organ and Blood Donations

More than 14400 patients who need an organ transplant every year. The main obstacle to transplantation is the persistent lack of available organs.